

CMSC 185 - Information Security and Risk Management

    • 2nd Sem, SY 21-22, 28 students

    • 2nd Sem, SY 20-21, 27 students

CMSC 186 - Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services

    • 2nd Sem, SY 20-21, 24 students

    • 2nd Sem, SY 21-22, 24 students

Comp Ed 20 - Introduction to Data Analytics (UP Open University)

    • 3rd Term, SY 19-20, 135 students

    • 3rd Term, SY 20-22, 300 students

    • 2nd Term, SY 21-22, 130 students

    • 3rd Term, SY 21-22, 75 students

CMSC 10 - Introduction to Computer Science (new Curriculum)

    • Sem 1, SY 20-21, 35 students

    • Sem 1, SY 19-20, 33 students

CMSC 11 - Introduction to Computer Science

    • Sem 1, SY 17-18, 1 student

    • Sem 2, SY 15-16, 48 students

CMSC 123 - Data Structure and Algorithms

    • Sem 2, SY 15 -16, 25 students

    • Sem 2, SY 14-15.

CMSC 126 - Web-based Systems

    • Sem 2, SY 18 -19, 23 students

    • Sem 2, SY 20 -21, 30 students

    • Sem 2, SY 21-22, 35 students

CMSC 127 - File Processing & Database Systems

    • Sem 1, SY 18-19, 16 students

    • Sem 1, SY 16-17, 25 students

    • Sem 1, SY 15-16, 19 students

    • Sem 1, SY 14-15

CMSC 185 - Information Security and Risk Management (New Curriculum)

    • Sem 1, SY 20-21, 19 students

CMSC 191 - Special Topics (OOP with Java)

    • Sem 2, SY 16-17, 25 students

    • Sem 2, SY 17-18, 35 students

    • Sem 2, SY 18-19, 15 students

CMSC 199 - Undergraduate Seminar

    • Sem 1, SY 15-16, 14 students

NSM 192 - Scientific Research Process

    • Sem 1, SY 18-19, 33 students

    • Sem 1, SY 18-19, 33 students

    • Sem 1, SY 17-18, 25 students

    • Sem 1, SY 16-17, 2 sections, 38 students

    • Sem 1, SY 15-16, 2 sections, 43 students

    • Sem 1, SY 14-15

Special Problem Advising

  1. Panelist, Guidance Committee. Alinsugay, Darius. May 2019. Grey Wolf Optimization with Cuckoo Search Via Levy Flights for Solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). BS Computer Science Undergraduate Special Problem.

  2. Panelist, Guidance Committee. Sitoy, Eva Mae. May 2019. ??????. BS Computer Science Undergraduate Special Problem.

e-Learning Resources