Research & Publications

Research Identity:


  1. Acosta, JE, VB Calag, ZJI Diche, CLA Lazaga, TMN Lopena, DA Tatsuda, 2021. Comparative Analysis on Interpolation Methods for Bathymetric Data Gaps. Banwa Vol 16 (2021). University of the Philippines Mindanao. URL:

  2. Miguel, CB, JMP Sarmiento, LMB. Estaña, MAAA Limpoco, VBCalag, AU Novero. 2021. Neighborhood Effects in Hybrid Rice Adoption in Davao del Sur, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science 150 (6A): 1461-1473, December 2021 ISSN 0031-7683.

  3. Mesa, A.R., K. Castromayor, C. Manligue, V.B. Calag. 2017. Cuckoo search via Levy flights applied to uncapacitated facility location problem. Journal of Industrial Engineering International. pp 1-8. View at

  4. Santillan, J.H., S. Tapucar, CG Manliguez, VB Calag. 2017. Cuckoo search via Lévy flights for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. Journal of Industrial Engineering International. pp 1-12.

  5. VB Kobayashi and VB Calag. 2013. Detection of Affective States from Speech Signals Using Ensembles of Classifiers. Intelligent Signal Processing Conference 2013 (ISP 2013), IET. 2-3 Dec. 2013. Page(s): 1-9. E-ISBN 978-1-84919-774-8.

Papers Presented:

  1. Riños, L* , MCS Guillermo, and VB Calag. 2016. Twitter-based Flood Information Dissemination System. Presented during the 5th Philippine Geomatics Symposium. UP Diliman, Quezon City, 22-26 April 2016.

  2. Lopena, T and Calag, V*. 2014. Elitist Ant System Applied to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. Presented during the 12th National Conference for IT Education, Boracay, Aklan. 25 October 2014.

Completed Project/s:

  1. Project Staff/Study Leader. Geo-Informatics for the Systematic Assessment of Flood Effects for Resilient (Geo-SAFER) Mindanao. July 2018-June 15, 2019.

As Research Reviewer/Evaluator:

  1. Research Evaluator. University of Southeastern Philippines 33rd Agency in-House Research Review. 18 September 2020.

  2. External Reviewer. UP Los Banos MS Computer Science Thesis

    • A Method of Semi-supervised Learning Using Siamese Neural Network for Disaster Monitoring of the Philippines Social Media. 2nd Semester, SY 2018-19.

    • Multi-agent Simulation of Pursuit - Evasion in Dynamic Graphs, 2nd Semester, SY 17-18.

    • GIS-based Solar Facility Location Using an Analytic Hierarchy Process and Weighted Goal Programming Approach, 2nd Semester, SY 16-17.

    • Ensemble Learning Methods and Feature Selection Techniques for the Development of a Bioacoustic Identification System, 2nd Semester, SY 15-16.

  3. External Reviewer. Enhanced Creative Work and Research Grant (ECWRG) Research Proposal on Design, Development and Implementation of Electronic Health Records of Students in Public Schools in Tacloban City. University of the Philippines Visayas.

  4. External Reviewer. Carlos G. Samontina. PhD Dissertation entitled "Implementation of the DepEd Computerization Program, Teachers Competencies on ICT and Utilization of ICT Skills in Instruction of the Select Elementary Schools in CARAGA Region", St Joseph Institute of Technology, Butuan City.

  5. External Reviewer. Enhanced Creative Work and Research Research Proposal on Real-time Spatio-temporal Analysis of Public Sentiments through Social Media Mining of Mixed-lingual Texts: Development of a Mixed lingual Natural Language Processing Workflow for Short Text Sentiment Analysis, UP Cebu, Cebu City (Project 1) and A Multi-user, Interactive Visualization System for Real-time Spatio-temporal Sentiment Analysis of Mined Social Media Texts", UP Los Banos, College, Laguna (Project 2).

  6. Paper Reviewer. 1st Information and Computing Education (ICE) 2018 Conference (Information System Track). Cebu Institute of Technology - University, Cebu City. October 4-6, 2018.

  7. Reviewer. Holy Cross Davao College Faculty Research entitled "Design and Development of Web-based Alumni Tracer System". 10 May 2018.

  8. Reviewer/Judge. University of Mindanao's College of Computing Education Annual Research Congress. March 12, 2018.

  9. Reviewer/Judge. BS Information Technology & BS Computer Engineering Students Research. Holy Cross Davao College, March 5, 2018

  10. Reviewer. University of Mindanao's College of Computing Education Annual Research Congress, University of Mindanao. 10 October 2017.

  11. Member, Paper Reviewer/Scientific Program Committee (IT and IS Tracks). National Conference for IT Educators 2017. 19-21 October 2017. Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City.

Tools and Resources:

  1. Education Research Global Repository

  2. Thomson Reuters

  3. Elsevier Journals and Books

  4. Springer

  5. Science Direct

  6. Manage Your Research Papers with Mendeley

  7. International Journal of Emerging Technologies for Learning

  8. IOS Press eBooks

  9. Conference Alerts

  10. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies

  11. JSTOR Digital Library